
Upcoming Tourneys

Spring Classic Musky Tournament


June 14th – 15th on the Eagle River Chain of Lakes, Eagle River, WI

Headquartered out of Shotskis in Eagle River

Entry is $340.00.  $100.00 can reserve your spot.

Based on a full field, over $30,000 will be given away with the 1st place winners taking home $12,000.

Any questions contact Patrick Schmidt at 715-891-6303 or [email protected]

For an entry form, download here and mail in.      TRI-FOLD BROCHURE – Spring-Classic-2025 – TRI-FOLD BROCHURE-4

Pay here……

Paul’s Pro-Am Musky Tournament


Sept 20th – 21st on the Eagle River Chain of Lakes, Eagle River, WI

Headquartered out of Shotskis in Eagle River

Entry is $340.00.  $100.00 can reserve your spot.

Based on a full field, over $30,000 will be given away with the 1st place winners taking home $12,000.

Any questions contact Patrick Schmidt at 715-891-6303 or [email protected]

For an entry form, download here and mail in  2025 Pro AM.

Pay here…..